When a loved one passes away, you have a lot of options on the line. You have to decide how you are going to care for their needs and how you are going to give your family members what they need at the same time. If you decide to go with direct cremation in Greenfield, WI, there are plenty of options around that choice. You choose a cremation package and that’s all you really have to do for your loved one. Their needs will be met and you don’t have to do anything else. However, many families like to have a memorial service for their loved one, even after the direct cremation is complete. Here are a few reasons why that might be important to you.
When you have a final service for someone, even if the cremation is already behind you, it can help you and others to accept their death with a sense of closure. Closure is necessary for anyone who is grieving. You need to understand that your loved one is gone and they are not coming back. Having a memorial service can help with that closure, the final goodbye, and to give everyone a sense of acceptance.
Whether you need closure or not, it can feel good to honor a life well-lived. Your loved one deserves a certain level of honor and respect and you can do that through a memorial service. Gather your family, share memories, have a meal, and do other such things. You are able to give them a final send-off and feel as if you are doing something special for them.
Families need to be together when they are grieving. While one member is gone, and that hurts, it can help families to be together so they are able to remember what they have left that is still important in their lives—each other. You can comfort your family with a memorial and it is a good time for you to get the support you need as well.
Direct cremation is all your loved one needs, but you might not feel like the process is complete if you don’t have a memorial service for your loved one. When you have a service of some kind, it can help you to feel as if things are final and that can help you to move on with your own life.
If you are ready to help your loved one with their final services, direct cremation in Greenfield, WI is there for you. Your loved one doesn’t have to have any services beforehand, but rather can go directly into the cremation service. Once that happens, you can have whatever kind of memorial service you want for your loved one at any time in the future. You don’t have to put a timeline on the process, but rather can move at your own pace. Whenever you are ready just visit our location.