Many people associate the idea of cremation with needing to purchase some kind of urn. It is certainly true that buying an urn or other container often makes a lot of sense. But some understandably wonder whether or not it is absolutely necessary to do so. The truth is that you do not always have to purchase an urn, and much depends on how you wish to handle the remains. If you or someone you know is looking into direct cremation in or near Greenfield, WI, you should know that someone in your area can tell you more about things like urns and any other products you may wish to consider. Knowing your options is always important, whether they are entirely essential or not. You should still know what’s available and what kind of difference it might make to you and your family.
Cremation Society of Milwaukee handles direct cremation, which means we don’t get into things like funerals or memorial services. While we certainly can’t prevent you from planning some kind of service, we focus on the cremation itself. For many families, this really simplifies things and reduces any burden associated with a large funeral. Whatever you choose to do, we really want you to understand how cremation works and everything that’s involved. Sometimes that means discussing some of the products commonly associated therewith. We won’t try to sell you on anything you don’t want or need, but we do want you to be aware of anything that deserves your attention. As always, the choice is ultimately yours. We’re just here to help.
Urns can be really helpful when it comes to cremation. There is no denying that. For any family that wants to keep the remains nearby at all times, urns make that possible. They also make it possible to display those remains wherever you wish, ensuring that they are presented in a dignified fashion as well. That can be really important, and there is no sense in diminishing the value of an urn (or some kind of container).
But they aren’t essential for everyone. For example, you may wish to have remains scattered or used in some other fashion (to plan a tree, perhaps). Under circumstances like these, there is really no need for a fancy urn. You wouldn’t have much use for it down the road. Now you can certainly decide to purchase or use some kind of temporary container, but a high-priced urn probably isn’t necessary.
So any question about needing an urn really comes down to what you plan on doing with the remains. Every family is different here. Everyone has unique preferences when it comes to handling remains, and a family’s needs may well dictate those preferences as well. This is certainly something to think about. Urns are never a bad idea, and they do make sense for a lot of families. But they aren’t always necessary, and foregoing an urn can certainly save some money.
If you are interested in direct cremation in the Greenfield, WI, area, consider reaching out to Cremation Society of Milwaukee. We are always honest with you when it comes to these kinds of conversations, and we know that’s important. Give us a call when you’d like to learn more or discuss anything else.