Many families are pretty well-accustomed to the idea of burial. We see it on television. We see it at funerals. And we may even have direct experience with it in the past. But that does not mean that burial is right for everyone. Just because we are used to the idea, that does not mean that it is the right idea. Cremation may well be the perfect alternative. If you or someone you know is looking into
direct cremation in Whitefish Bay, WI, consider Cremation Society of Milwaukee. We cannot convince you that cremation is necessarily the right solution for you and your family, but we can certainly talk to you about the facts. We are always happy to discuss your options in greater detail and even walk you through the cremation process. The important thing is that you fully understand your options. This kind of decision matters.
The first thing to know about cremation is that it is quite common. There is nothing strange or unusual about it. It has been practiced around the world for ages, and it is now just as common as burial in the United States. While it remained somewhat taboo in some religious circles for a time, much of that has changed, as well. By now, cremation is almost universally accepted, and that’s a good thing. It is an ideal alternative for many families who aren’t 100 percent comfortable with the idea of burial. There are certainly a lot of very good reasons to give cremation some serious thought. But the first step is understanding that it is a real option in the first place.
There is nothing
radical about cremation. The process is actually quite straightforward, and it typically only lasts a few hours. If you are looking for a simple and uncontroversial alternative to burial, cremation really makes a lot of sense. The major differences between cremation and burial and pretty clear cut. Whereas burial entails a body remaining in the ground for perpetuity, cremation means that the body of the deceased is reduced to an ash-like substance after being subject to very high temperatures. It is simple enough. Cremation obviously isn’t painful, and it remains a very dignified way to handle the body. There is no shame in choosing cremation, and chances are no one will look at you any differently. It is very conventional and very reliable.
We certainly do not believe that cremation is right for everyone. We have worked with many families over the years. Sometimes cremation makes the most sense. Sometimes it doesn’t. But we do think you should understand what is at stake, and we do believe you should take cremation seriously. Failure to even consider cremation might be really unfortunate. You and your family could be missing out on something that actually fits your preferences quite nicely. So the important thing is that you give cremation a chance and even learn more about it if at all necessary. You might be surprised to learn that there are a number of benefits associated with cremation. And you may be even decide that you feel really good about the idea. At any rate, it is worth thinking about. Cremation really is a legitimate alternative.
If you are at all
interested in direct cremation, consider Cremation Society of Milwaukee. Again, we can’t tell you what to do, and we won’t even try to persuade you that cremation is the best solution. That’s not our job. But we do want you to remain informed and understand all the possibilities.
Give us a call
or schedule an appointment whenever you are ready.