There are no right and wrong things to do around direct cremation in Greenfield, WI when a loved one passes on and has to have final services of some kind. You will likely have a memorial service, though it’s not required. Memorials can help you to get closure, to say goodbye, and it can allow you family support, among other things. Once the memorial service is complete, you might want to have a reception for your family. That can be very special as well and you will want to think about why you want to put that kind of gathering together especially if your loved one serve the country and want to maximize their veteran benefits. Here are a few such reasons:
When your family is around each other for a memorial service, it might be a time to reflect and share memories, but it might feel like it has a central focus—your loved one. While those services are very nice, you can also spend more time with your family afterwards with a reception. The reception is going to be casual and you can talk to your family about what’s going on in everyone’s lives, what the future holds, as well as special memories of your loved one. Your family will be able to spend more time together, as they should.
Once the memorial service is over, your family might be rather hungry and thirsty. Some of you may feel a sense of relief and peace that your loved one has been honored in a special way and that can bring the hunger around. Plus, when you are grieving, it’s important that you keep your physical strength up with the right nutrients. Receptions usually include a meal of some sort, though it doesn’t have to be anything large or fancy. Something as simple as sandwiches, salads, chips, and desserts can be plenty.
Memorial services are going to be limited on time and your loved one’s life is full of good memories that you and others might enjoy sharing with one another. When you gather at the reception, you can go around the tables and share those memories. You might hear things you didn’t know before or, at the very least, have the chance to revel in memories you appreciate.
Your loved one was a part of your family and they would appreciate the fact that you are spending more time together as a group. Honoring them doesn’t have to stop with the memorial service or with the cremation itself and picking the right type of urn for them. You can continue it on into a reception and appreciate more aspects about them.
When you have best cremation option in Greenfield, WI for a loved one, you can follow that up with a memorial service and then, even have a reception. The reception, and the memorial service, is not required, but they can make things easier for everyone to handle while honoring your loved one.