Every time you plan a direct cremation in Greenfield, WI, you come to a place where you have to plan what to do with the ashes. An option to consider is the cemetery. You may be wondering why you decided to have a cremation if you were just going to place your loved one’s ashes in the cemetery anyways. Here are some of the main reasons why you should place your loved one in a cemetery as a final resting place.
One of the main motivations for placing your loved ones ashes in the cemetery is that you can visit them whenever you choose. If you would instead spread the ashes, you can never go back and find them because they will likely be picked up by the wind. If you put the ashes in the urn at your home, you might know that they will be safe, but it will make it hard for other people to pay their respects. If you would happen to place the ashes in the cemetery, it would make it possible for everyone to pay their respects and have a chance to say their goodbye.
You may not want to think of your loved one’s resting place as a memorial to their life. You can add a tombstone to the location where you bury, spread, or keep the ashes and treat it just like you would if you were marking a burial location. The headstone will be the perfect way to personalize the location and make it clear that your loved one is there. You may want to decorate them with flowers or even decorate them for a special occasion. It’s also a place you can go if you want to meet up with family and celebrate the life of the deceased.
If you are looking for an affordable way to keep your loved one’s ashes safe, but also as a way to respectfully place them. If you want to spread the ashes of your deceased loved one in one place, you may need to travel to that location and spend more money to get there. By spreading the ashes at a cemetery or just keeping them there you can save money because you won’t have to arrange for another ceremony and you won’t have to travel anywhere new to spread the ashes. You can still have all the advantages of a funeral but for the costs of a cremation.
When it's time to set up a direct cremation in Greenfield, WI, and you want to put the ashes somewhere. One thing you should consider is to put them in the cemetery. You can do it in almost any cemetery you choose but you need to make sure your loved ones are onboard with the idea.. If you think you are ready to arrange a cremation service and need help, contact us. We are here to answer any questions and help you arrange the right type of cremation for your deceased loved one.