When a loved one passes away, you are not going to know what to do first. Other than grief and sorrow, you are going to be experiencing feelings of confusion and being overwhelmed with everything that will have to be taken care of. From securing their home and notifying family, to making their final arrangements for direct cremation in Greenfield, WI. it can all leave you feeling scattered. While we can’t take care of everything for you we can help you know where to begin.
One of the very first things to take care of after the death is to get a legal pronouncement of death. If your loved one passed away at home, you will need to a have medical expert pronounce them dead. This can be done by calling 911 and having the ambulance transport them to the emergency room where a doctor can then make the declaration. If your loved one was in a nursing home, then typically, the staff there will take care of this for you.
The very next thing you should do is notify the family. This can be a very difficult phone call to make, but it must be done. When you are ready, reach out and inform everyone what has happened. If you are not wanting to tell everyone one at a time you could send a group text or ask others to help you notify everyone.
Decide what type of dissipation you would like for your loved one and make the proper arrangements. Work with a cremation provider or funeral home to help ensure all proper paperwork is completed.
If your loved one owned their own home, you will need to have someone go over and make sure all the doors are locked, windows are secure and hide away anything that may be valuable Also, it is a good idea to clear the food from the refrigerator and freezer and make sure any pets are taken care of. Also, make sure to forward their mail to your home so that you can take care of any bills, subscriptions, etc., that may have.
In the following weeks you will need to start securing and handling all of your loved one’s accounts. These accounts can include bank accounts, car loans, credit cards, hose payments, student loans, store credit and more.
You will also need to address things such as closing their social security account, canceling their driver’s license, and deactivate or memorialize any of their social media accounts.
While this can all seem like a lot to handle, and truth be told, it is, remember it doesn’t have to all be done at one time. Just take each step at once, breathe, and then go onto the next task. Also, make sure to ask other family members to help with whatever they may bae able to. This will take some of the burden off of you.
To learn more about what to do before and after you loved one’s direct cremation in Greenfield, WI, give us a call and let us help walk you though what needs to be done.