Wauwatosa, WI, direct cremation
is a disposition option in which the deceased is cremated in the days immediately following the death. There is no funeral service beforehand. The only thing that happens prior to the cremation is transportation to the crematory and the necessary paperwork.
The death of a loved one can cause grief, despondency, sadness, depression, as well as many other emotions. The last thing you want to during these difficult times is that your loved one has not set aside money to take care of funeral expenses or memorial services. If there’s no money left aside, the grieving may have only one choice, which is direct cremation.
Here’s why a direct cremation can work for you when you are on a tight budget:
Direct cremation is simple and affordable The body is cremated immediately after death without any other services, which cuts back on costs significantly. There is no formal funeral service or visitiation. There is no casket, no hearse or other transportation to rent, no church for a viewing, no wake at an events space or at home, which cuts down the cost of catering, preparing food, having an open bar, and keeping tabs of which guests to invite, which involves stationary and mailing the invitations out, no family members or friends who live far from you who have to spend money to fly out for some kind of ceremony, as well as other expenses.
Cremation Right After Death
Since the body of the deceased is cremated immediately after death, you sidestep using a funeral home and go directly to a cremation provider. This can save you even more money.
Now that you know that a direct cremation can solve all your monetary problems, one thing you should definitely do is hire a cremation service you can trust. Look at much more than just their website. Websites can tell you a lot, but look up reviews and talk to people who have used them. You want the best for your loved one and to place trust in a cremation provider is a big deal.
Direct cremation in Wauwatosa, WI will serve you right when you have a lack of funds, yet the need for final services for a loved one. It’s a good, perfectly respectful option. One of the best things about direct cremation is that you are able to spend time planning special memorial services of any kind whenever you want in the future—when you are truly ready to move forward with such services. You can talk to experts here at
Cremation Society of Milwaukee
to schedule a consultation or to take a tour. We are located at 2729 S 108th St, West Allis, WI 53227 and we’re completely open to showing you the crematory and everything else. Or, call for service details or to ask any questions you have at
(414) 384-2424. We’re here to give you the information you need to make the best decisions for your family and your loved one who passed away.