When you choose direct cremation
in Greenfield, WI, you’re giving yourself the freedom to plan a memorial for your loved one without the ticking clock of a burial. At Cremation Society of Milwaukee, we’re happy to work with our families to facilitate an ideal remembrance after cremation, either through a local funeral home or independently. Here are some of the most popular ways our families pay tribute after
cremation services.
Traditional Interment
There’s often a wait for funeral services or burial plots at popular funeral homes, so once you arrange a cremation with our team, you can take the ashes home and await the call from your chosen cemetery. It’s common to lay cremation ashes to rest in vaults, which can be buried similarly to coffins in a smaller plot. Mausoleum vaults above ground and cremation benches are also popular choices with a shorter wait time.
Close to Home
The most popular choice for cremation ashes is to keep them at home, on the mantle in a decorative urn. While all of our cremation packages come with a basic plastic urn, most families choose to have them transferred to a sturdier urn for long-term storage. Equipped with spill-proof lids and coming in hundreds of designs, these urns can be ordered through our affiliates when you’ve made a decision as to the perfect design.
Split Decision
Not everyone wants to keep the ashes in one location, especially in big families laying a beloved family member to rest. If you’re interested in dividing the ashes, our partners offer a selection of small portable urns perfect for splitting the remains between a few people. If you have a bigger group, vials or pendants are an ideal way to keep a pinch of ashes and can be worn on the person like jewelry.
Transforming the Ashes
New innovations have made it possible to honor your loved one’s memory by transforming the ashes into something meaningful. Cremation ashes are sterile and safe, and can be mixed into paint or ink for a personalized art project. And if you’re looking for something more inventive, third-party companies are able to turn the ashes into diamonds, mix them in with gunpowder for fireworks, or even blend them with tattoo ink for a permanent reminder.
Scattering Ceremonies
Many people find that an ideal way to say farewell is to distribute the ashes at a meaningful location, often outside on the water or nearby cliffs. If you’re considering a scattering at a privately owned location, consult with the owner - many popular sites are willing to accommodate families. Many urns are designed with a scattering function, making it easy to distribute the ashes evenly without spills.