You may be considering cremation as an alternative to burial. But you may also have some serious questions about how it works. That’s perfectly normal. The good news is that there are answers to those questions and that the right professionals can help you address those questions. If you or someone you know is looking into
direct cremation in Greenfield, WI. Our trained experts can help you better understand the process while also providing your family the kind of support it deserves. We think that information is important and can even be empowering, especially as you embark upon decisions about cremation or burial. Direct cremation may well be the solution you’re looking for. But more information will help you make that determination.
The cremation process itself is relatively straightforward. You will first need to provide certain information in order for arrangements to be made. Most of that information is very basic and shouldn’t require too much effort on your part. Getting a head start can be helpful, and that sometimes means getting in touch with us long before the loss of a loved one actually occurs. Of course, that isn’t always possible. But whenever you can, speaking with one of our staff can help you prepare necessary documents and make other arrangements without incurring any additional last-minute stress and anxiety. That’s certainly ideal.
Once arrangements have been made, it is important for the body of the deceased to be carefully cleaned and prepared for cremation. This sometimes includes the removal of certain objects, namely metals that might interfere with cremation. Our staff handles this part of the process completely. When ready, the body of the deceased is then subject to very high temperatures that reduce the body to an ash-like consistency. This process is very dignified and overseen by trained technicians. In full, the process generally only lasts a few hours. After cremation, any remaining bones may be ground to a more powdery consistency. This makes the cremated remains a bit easier to handle. Those remains are in turn placed in a special bag and then presented to next of kin when the process is complete.
What happens next largely depends on your wishes and the wishes of your loved one. There are many options when it comes to how one should handle cremated remains. They may be displayed in an urn or other container. They may be scattered at a symbolic location. They can even be used to create jewelry or plant a tree. The range of available options is just one of the reasons cremation has become so popular in recent years. Those options make it possible to remember your loved one the right way. Every family is different, and each one will have a unique perspective when it comes to these kind of solutions. Again, that’s perfectly natural.